Nine Star Ki Birthdate Readings
Discover your inner design and how your birthdate reveals the plan for your life! The system I use is not based upon astrology or numerology but is instead, based upon Chinese medicine and the patterns and their meanings, called the Nine Star Ki.
Ancient Chinese medicine birthed the Nine Star Ki system as a way of using a birthdate to discover and look closely at patterns of yin and yang energy in our environment over time and understanding how these energy movements affect each of us. Comparable to and compatible with Western Astrological systems using the Zodiac, and the Chinese Animal Horoscope system, Nine Star Ki is a tool to becoming aware of our energetic tendencies, understanding our patterns of behavior, and managing our future and destiny.
Evolving over thousands of years, ancient Chinese scientists developed a very deep understanding of how all of life works, and they did this by observing life in all of its many forms, including human beings. They developed a very sophisticated understanding of patterns in nature and the meanings within those patterns. Everything has a design, a plan, a purpose and so do human beings so everything born has within it, an inner design. While these inner designs are always perfect in design, human beings become conditioned to judge, doubt and be self-critical and so we believe there is something within us that needs to change or be improved upon and therein lies our journey away from our original nature; we then spend a lifetime journeying back home to ourselves and our true inner design and nature.
This system is one of the most profound ways to show you who you really are in the most authentic ways possible. Once you discover your inner design, you’ll observe these patterns showing up in your life on many levels. You may discover why your drawn to a certain lifestyle, career and even certain types of relationships. You’ll observe how your inner design affects everything you think and do; and this is a huge gift on many levels because it can take you to a place where you can finally understand who you really are, and come to a place of love and acceptance so that you can then create a life that is more in alignment with who you truly are and because of that, things will unfold naturally and effortlessly.
You won’t struggle anymore in trying to figure out what to do with your life or feel the stress in attracting the right people into your life. Your energy changes when you step into alignment with your inner design, and it’s that relaxed flow that you will see evidence of throughout your life. This information will also shine a light upon all of those ‘stories’ that you’ve been telling yourself about who you think you are; the story that has been limiting you. When you can realize why repetitive events keep happening, it empowers you to move beyond all of your blocks and false beliefs so you can step into the life that you truly deserve.
According to Nine Star Ki, we have three Stars allocated to our date of birth. The first number is our Primary Number and represents our Overall Personality trait. This number dictates your inner design - those traits that were determined based upon your birthdate. This chart shows all of the potential characteristic traits and how one can begin to notice when they are out of balance with them. The second number is our Emotional Self and describes our childhood behavior pattern—it is who we are until we have completed two nine-year cycles or until we reach age 18. It also shows how we respond to pressure. Many of us revert to our childhood nature under these situations. The Third number is our energetic number or as defined here, your Life Challenges and Your True Calling. It describes the “face” we show to others upon first meeting and it governs the impression we create.
When you have a Birthdate Reading, you will receive a full detailed reading report of around 10 pages that covers:
Your Overall Personality
Your Emotional Self
Your Life Challenges and True Calling