Group Past Life Regressions
Looking to add something unique to your next gathering? Have an amazing Quantum Healing Hypnosis experience in a group setting! Group Past Life Regressions are not only fun and rewarding, but they are also highly beneficial and healing to the mind, body and soul of each participant.
A "past life regression" is a general term for a relaxed experience in which a practitioner/hypnotherapist guides the participants into a light trance (similar to meditative state of mind), where you relax enough to go into the subconscious mind where all memories of other lifetimes are being stored.
This will provide you a glimpse of what you may experience in a personal QHHT or BQH session. A private QHHT or BQH session is personalized and puts the client in a deeper state of trance that allows for more emotional, mental, or physical healing. Participants often gain new understanding and knowledge about their emotional, mental, physical or spiritual self through this experience and receive healing.
There is always a reason to go back to a past life. It can be to find your life purpose, heal relationships, unblock fears and so much more. The most important thing is to listen to the messages that come through and trust that your Higher Self and Spiritual Team takes you where you need to go. This connection can also help the individual release, heal, or become aware of things that may be holding them back or keeping them stuck in a cycle that they wish to move past or shift. It also increases an individual's self-awareness and overall vibration.
Accomplished by simple visualization and imagery techniques, the entire group is taken back in time to past lives, to meet spiritual guides or guardian angels, experience your immortal nature, and receive insights that bring harmony into your life. After these experiences, participants write down their impressions, messages received, and images seen. Finally, there is group interaction and discussion.
Group Regressions are 1-2 hours and the cost for each participant is $35 with a minimum of 5 people.
Also, All group regression participants will receive a $35 credit toward a 1:1 QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) or BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing) session with me!
For an optimum experience you will need: Loose fitting clothes, mat, blanket, blindfold (optional), headphones (optional), Pen & paper to write about your experience (and optionally share it with the group, should you choose to) and an open heart and mind!
To reserve your Group Past Life Regression event, contact me here.