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Are you ready to remember who you really are?
Quantum Healing helps to:
Expand your consciousness to a much higher level
Resolve physical, mental or emotional challenges, habits, and patterns
Learn how to transcend the ego and 3D life of stress
Integrate your many aspects, past lives and heal anything carried over that is no longer benefiting you
Speak with and receive guidance from your Guides, Higher Self and other Beings of Light

Our Services
Quantum Healing sessions are available both in-person and online so I am able to connect with you ~wherever in the world you may be!
About Christine Kooper
While I have been on my spiritual journey for most of my life, my initiation into a higher level of understanding and consciousness really became my full time focus about 15 years ago. Since then, I have delved into many areas of spirituality, healing, philosophy and have tried to expose myself to as many varied teachers and teachings as possible.

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